We have all heard about Ahiraban and Mahiravan in Ramayana, we also know how Hanuman Ji Sri Rama entered the subway (patala) to find Sri Rama and how both Ahiravan and Mahiravan smashed by Hanuman Ji. often Ahiravan and Mahiravan are identified as a brother duo. In Krittivasi Ramayan, Ahiravana was the son of the great Rishi Vishrava and the brother of Ravana.
We should find another way of seeing at everything.There is always two sides of a same story/Hindu Puran and it is important to decode the scientific among the philosophical aspects of Hinduism. Before coming to the original story, we should know what cloning is, Wikipedia says, cloning is the process of producing genetically identical individuals of an organism either naturally or artificially. In nature, many organisms produce clones through asexual reproduction. Cloning in biotechnology refers to the process of creating clones of organisms or copies of cells or DNA fragments (molecular cloning).
We should find another way of seeing at everything.There is always two sides of a same story/Hindu Puran and it is important to decode the scientific among the philosophical aspects of Hinduism. Before coming to the original story, we should know what cloning is, Wikipedia says, cloning is the process of producing genetically identical individuals of an organism either naturally or artificially. In nature, many organisms produce clones through asexual reproduction. Cloning in biotechnology refers to the process of creating clones of organisms or copies of cells or DNA fragments (molecular cloning).
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Lord Hanuman and Matsya Vallabha |
Ravana Sent Ahiravan/Mahiravan to Kidnap Sri Ram and Laxman
Ahiravan or Mahiravan was Rakshas like Ravana. Both
are the name of same Rakshahs only. He was bother of Ravana. During the battle
of Ramayana, Ravana ask his brother's help in battle.While Lord Hanuman was taking
care of security during nights.
Ahiravan was able to take any roop ( form ). So
he took the form of Vibhishan ( Ranava's another brother ) and went into tent
were Sri Ram & Laxman were sleeping. Ahiravana took them to his kingdom in
patal (city under ground). Vibhishana reveals about Ravana’s plans to bring in Mahiravana (Mairavana) into battle and kidnap Rama and Lakshmana.
After the awareness Hanuman decided to rescue Sri Raghunandan Ram and Laxman,
after arriving at Patal, Hanuman saw a fort secured by Demons. Hanuman does not care. Having determined to enter the fort, Hanuman takes a miniature form just like a leaf of Shami tree and hid himself in the water pot brought by Durdandi.
Durdandi crossed the main gate. The balance tilted producing huge sound. Ugly demon guarding the main gate rushed to the spot but they could not see Hanuman who was in a miniature form. Hanuman came out of the pot, enlarged his body and shining with great splendour stood erect before them like a mountain and killed the entire army of Mairavana very easily. Hanuman fought with the brave warriors of Mairavana’s and killed the entire army. But suddenly Hanuman saw a large shadow that was bravely coming towards him.
After the awareness Hanuman decided to rescue Sri Raghunandan Ram and Laxman,
after arriving at Patal, Hanuman saw a fort secured by Demons. Hanuman does not care. Having determined to enter the fort, Hanuman takes a miniature form just like a leaf of Shami tree and hid himself in the water pot brought by Durdandi.
Durdandi crossed the main gate. The balance tilted producing huge sound. Ugly demon guarding the main gate rushed to the spot but they could not see Hanuman who was in a miniature form. Hanuman came out of the pot, enlarged his body and shining with great splendour stood erect before them like a mountain and killed the entire army of Mairavana very easily. Hanuman fought with the brave warriors of Mairavana’s and killed the entire army. But suddenly Hanuman saw a large shadow that was bravely coming towards him.
Suddenly Hanuman Saw a Large Shadow That was Bravely Coming Towards Him
The giant shadow surrounded Hanuman like a
thunder belt. He was Mairavana’s follower Matsya Vallabha, who
looked similar to Hanuman, jumped into the field and attacked Hanuman. A fierce
fight went between them. Both were fighting with equal fervor and valor,
strength and splendor. Hanuman for a moment thought who he could
Hanuman enquires Matsya Vallabha who he was
Exhausted Hanuman and Matsya Vallabha
decline. Hanuman enquires Matsya Vallabha who he was? Then Matsya Vallabha started narrating his story.
“Oh noble person ! My name is Matsya Vallabha, My mother’s name is Deerghadehi
and my father’s name is Hanuman.”
Listening to his name, Hanuman wanted him to
narrate complete story. Matsya Vallabha continues “My mother Deerghadehi
was originally a Gandharva lady. On account of a curse of Matanga Muni, she
became a mermaid. When the Muni was begged for his pardon, he declared that she
would be redeemed of her curse when She gets the blessing of Lord Hanuman and
she begets a son.”
Hanuman is confused since he did not have any child, being an adept Brahmachari.
Matsya Vallabha continued , While searching for Mata Sita,Hanuman was crossing the ocean, he shook his sweat off his body, which fell into the sea. (According to different version, when Lord Hanuman took a dip in the sea, to cool himself after burning Lanka; a drop of his sweat got discharged into sea, due to the extreme heat generated in his body and labor by Him). The mermaid Deerghadehi swallowed a drop of Hanuman’s sweat. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son who is equal to Hanuman in strength and courage. Matsya Vallabha was her son. After his birth my mother Deerghadehi got redeemed of the curse. She left him to Mairavana and went to her abode.
Hanuman is confused since he did not have any child, being an adept Brahmachari.
Matsya Vallabha continued , While searching for Mata Sita,Hanuman was crossing the ocean, he shook his sweat off his body, which fell into the sea. (According to different version, when Lord Hanuman took a dip in the sea, to cool himself after burning Lanka; a drop of his sweat got discharged into sea, due to the extreme heat generated in his body and labor by Him). The mermaid Deerghadehi swallowed a drop of Hanuman’s sweat. She became pregnant and gave birth to a son who is equal to Hanuman in strength and courage. Matsya Vallabha was her son. After his birth my mother Deerghadehi got redeemed of the curse. She left him to Mairavana and went to her abode.
Here is Another Side of the Same Story: Scientific Explanations
To say that someone didn’t even know and he gave birth to a son sounds so outlandish that everyone laughs at such tales. Well, no more. Now the scientists are developing methods to create eggs and sperms in laboratories.They are working on creation of artificial gametes. These will help the scientists understand how the real eggs and sperms are made and also help understand the issues of infertility such that even sterile men and women could have biological parents. It involved creating sperms and eggs from any body tissue providing the DNA – like a stray skin.Some kind of primitive sperm cells have already been developed out of bone marrow cells and Prof. Karim Nayernia (Professor of Stem Cell Biology at the Newcastle University) is now working on doing with the female embryonic stem cells. He is waiting for permission to turn a woman’s bone marrow into a sperm.
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Prof. Karim Nayernia |
Was Matanga Muni an ancient Scientist
Matanga Muni knew no one but only Deerghadehi could sustain the energy of Hanuman's cell. Matanga Muni used the womb of a giant fish / Makar / Crocodile typed creature, before inject it in Dheerghadehi's reproductive cell. And we think this is the cause to use the term "Mermaid / Matsya-Kannya'' because both the Giant fish and Dheerghadehi were the Mother of Matsya Vallava. Sometimes, it is not clear whether the science gets inspired from Purana or Ancient Hindu Texts and Purana are just science forgotten.Hanuman blessed Matsyavallabha
After listening to Matsya Vallabha’s narration, Hanuman revealed his identity. Matsya Vallabha at once prostrates before Hanuman. Hanuman blesses him heartily to beget eight virtuous sons and wished him happy and prosperous long life. Matsya Vallabha wanted to take Hanuman to Mairavana. But Hanuman rejects to go with Matsya Vallabha and leaves the place as he is in an urgency to rescue his Lord, Sri Rama.
Fight Between Hanuman and Mahiravana
Hanuman entered the secret chamber of Mairavana. Hanuman with his fist hit the demon on the head and made him become unconscious. After some time he regained consciousness and began fighting with Hanuman strongly. In spite of his best efforts, Hanuman made Mairavana injured but could not kill him. Durdandi , who was witnessing the fight told Hanuman, “O! Lord, this wicked Mairavana should not be allowed to live long. His life is in five insects and five candles which are hidden under a boulder. If you crush the insects and blow out five different hiddden candles located in five different directions, all at the same time, he will die automatically”. Durdandi thus revealed the secret of Mairavana’s life.Panchamukhi Form of Lord Hanuman
Hanuman took gigantic form and then he pressed Mairavana heavily under his left foot, stretched his right foot and removed the boulder with the toe and at once crushed the five insects moving under the boulder and had to take the form of Panchamukha or five-headed form to blows out the five different candles and thus kills Mahiravana.All gods rejoiced the act of Hanuman and showered flowers on Him. Hanuman freed Durdandi and her family by breaking open the shackles.With the holy waters fetched by Durdandi, Hanuman crowned Neelamegha as the King of Patala Loka and blessed him to lead a righteous life. Hanuman blessed Matsya Vallabha and advised him to be a close associate of good-natured Neelamegha. Hanuman carried Lord Rama and Lakshmana, who were in deep sleep, to their previous place and began guarding them as before.
Makardhwaja and Hanuman Temple
You can visit,Hanuman-Dandi temple at Bet Dwarka, where idols of Makardhwaja and Hanuman are worshiped together.
"Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar
Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar
Ram doot atulit bal dhama
Anjaani-putra Pavan sut nama."
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