
Saturday, March 21, 2020

A Mystery of India, Could This be True ?

Valmiki Ramayana and Veda Vyasa's Mahabharata mentioned this place as Siddhashrama. Also this is believed to be the place of birth of Lord Kalki, the final Incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lost in time, perhaps fantasy too, the legend of Shangri-La also called Shambala, remains to this day! A land of immortals, where death is not allowed, where it does not exist, Other legends, and the search for the eternal continue to the present day. This legend is similar to Brigadoon in Scotland, the town that appears once in a hundred years.
And a rather new legend, from the deserts of Arizona, USA, the town named Desert Rose. The human quest for eternal life, a way to cheat death, could be located in India, in the Himalayas, a mysterious place that even orbiting satellites can not detect, where only the enlightened, wise yogis and sages can reach and enter, this place. Gyanganj- The Land of Immortals, located between India and China, where few can find and visit. This place is hidden in another plane of existence, reason why very few enlightened men can enter. Valmiki Ramayan and Veda Vyasa's Mahabharata mentioned this place as Siddhashrama, as previously said. Here even, the advanced present day technology, can't penetrate its artful, and clever camouflaged city.

Through many years of practicing yoga, meditation, fasting, praying, and Ayurveda these sadhus and sages can live forever and reject death. This place, called Sangri-La, or Shambala by Buddhists, does not belong to either India or China, or any particular religion. Shambala comes from Sanskrit origin, and it means "a place of peace and silence". mentioned in the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of Zhang Zhung, scriptures that came before Tibetan Buddhism, in western Tibet. The wisdom of the world, sacred writings and other mysterious scriptures can be found there. Several books, poems, stories, included at times in TV shows, and famous movies too, have been written about this idyllic city. There is also a famous song about Shangri-La in the west, and other famous and cute songs, from different forms of entertainment. Some travel agencies, both in Europe and USA, have said, some travelers want to book trips to Shangri-La, or some areas of the Himalayas between India and China. Whether true or not, these enchanting places are good for tourism, and for travelers looking for different adventures and mythical town. There is also the rumor that the Nine Wise Men, and keepers of the secret knowledge live in this mythical and beautiful place, where only the good and pure of heart can enter, a place where suffering and illness do not exist, only harmony and peace.

During World War II, Hitler sent more than one expedition to find this mythical place, where his men, and other prominent Nazis planned to escape and stay there forever. Needless to say the German Expeditions were unable to find this place. 

"Shambhala is said to be the land of a thousand names. It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, Land of Radiant Spirits, Land of Living Fire, Land of the Living Gods and Land of Wonders. The Hindus call it Aryavartha (‘The Land of the Worthy Ones); the Chinese know it as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu; and to the Russian Old Believers, it is known as Belovoyde. "But throughout Asia, it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, Shamballa, or Shangri-la the land of paradise." 
Quote by: ancient
This special and historical place, is guarded by the Shambala Guardians.


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