
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Antibacterial Nature of Ganga Water and The Science Behind It

The Secret Science of the sacred water of the Ganges River has been solved!! There have always been a mystery about why devotees that drink the water from the Ganges River, do not contract dysentery, or other dangerous, and deadly diseases, even after the dead bodies that had died due to life threatening, highly contagious, and dangerous diseases, are left in the river to decomposed. Most dead bodies are cremated on the ghats of this river, but many, at times bodies of animals can be found decomposing in the water near by the ghats, the people that drink of this water do not get sick at all. After several microbiological studies it has been determined that this river does indeed have properties that destroy dangerous, and highly contagious diseases. The bacteria and viruses in the water, from the diseased bodies are destroyed, and the water clean enough to drink. This fact solves this mystery, the truth is that the waters of this river posses unusual properties that prevent disease, and kills all infectious disease causing microorganisms, The Ganges River water is blessed, with the Divine Elixir, or Brahm Dravya.
Antibacterial Nature of Ganga Water and The Science Behind It
After examining Ganga's water, in 1896, a British physician E. Hanbury Hankin published a paper in the French journal Annals of Institut Pasteur, The "Bacterium Vibrio Cholerae", which causes the fatal disease of cholera, died in the waters of Ganga within three hours. The very same bacteria continued to evolve in distilled water even after 48 hours.
C.E. Nelson, another British physician, found that the waters of Ganga remained fresh throughout the long journey, even when taken from one of its dirtiest mouths at Hooghly by ships returning to England. River water usually begins to putrefy over a period of time due to the lack of oxygen that stimulates the growth of anaerobic bacteria, which in turn provides rise to the smell of stale water. 

Strange Capacity of Ganga Water: 

There are two significant factors that give Ganges its remarkable capability.
1. The appearance of bacteriophages that give it antibacterial character.
2. An unknown X-factor called the Miracle Component which gives this river a surprising ability to retain  dissolved oxygen from atmosphere

Water of Ganges has Anti-putrefaction properties:

For over a hundred years, beginning in the 1896, two scientists reported about the antibacterial qualities of this special water. Still being researched and studied, for the amazing properties that are only present in this sacred river, and is unique in the world, no other river has this amazing disease prevention, self cleaning and purifying properties, its high Oxygen purifying ability (that is nowhere else found in any other rivers in the world. There is also another "Mysterious Factor", this allows this river to dissolve and retain Oxygen absorbed directly from the atmosphere, This is essential for purifying its waters, and keeping the water pure longer. Also if sacred Ganges water is added to other containers of water, on enough quantity, the bacteriophages start reproducing immediately, and the water becoming pure, The river levels of Oxygen are up to 25 higher than the other rivers. Solid wastes floating on, and in the waters are purified up to 20 times faster than any other river. This is very important because of the large amounts of industrial waste, sewage, and garbage dumped into the Ganges. For many, many years, people had been taking Ganges water and taking it home for its amazing qualities and benefits. Another amazing quality is that reports form the Malaria Research Center in Delhi, have found that mosquitoes do not thrive or reproduce in this sacred river.

There have always been a mystery about why devotees that drink the water from the Ganges River, do not contract cholera, dysentery, or other dangerous, and deadly diseases, even after the dead bodies of people that had died due to life threatening, highly contagious, and dangerous diseases, are left in the river to decompose. Most dead bodies are cremated on the ghats of this river, but at times some bodies are left in the waters, and not cremated, Even bodies of animals, had been found decomposing in the water near by the ghats, but he people that drink of this water do not get sick at all. Another interesting fact that the IMTECH Institute microbiologists have also found in these waters, is new viruses. These new found viruses are capable of destroying several other dangerous pathogens, The miracle in all of this, is that these new discoveries seem to be useful against antibiotics resistant bacteria! This will be a true blessing to humanity, and save many, many, lives.This blessed water will not only protect the devotees that drink this water, but the rest of humanity too, because of the potential of new antibiotics that will kill antibiotic resistant microorganisms.

Scientists, also collect and compare samples of water from the highly polluted areas from Hardiwar and Varanasi, to cleaner areas from other rivers too, to study and compare the distinct populations of different bacteria and viruses of these areas. Several other prestigious scientific institutions, have been studying the Ganges River for several years. Foreign scientists also come to India to collect samples to study. In 2016 a report was released about the miraculous properties of this exceptional and amazing water. As mentioned before several prestigious scientific institutions have been involved in this important research, which was commissioned by the water resources and Ganga Rejuvenation Ministry. The IIT Kanpur, national environmental engineering research institute (NEERI) and IMTECH released their own report, after also gathering the other institutions reports of their research and studies, and submitted to the Government. This sacred River has also been an important religious place for Hindus, because it is the personification of Mother Ganga. Devotees believe it is good to drink some of the water before death, also taking dips in the water will wash away all their sins, receive many blessings, and most important helps to attain Moksha. Now the whole world knows the water are pure to bathe and drink. The important fact of the new found newly discovered microorganisms that can be used to cure bacterial infections that are resistant to some of common used antibiotics today.

End of antibiotics and recent initiative to save mankind :

This river also holds another great gift, very important for saving lives. At the present time humanity is running out of antibiotics, because bacteria is able to mutate and develop resistance to a number of our present day antibiotics. In Bangalore, the GangaGen Biotechnologies is studying medical treatments using these bacteriophages microorganisms. Also research has been done in Russia, at the George Eliava Institute. A co-founder of this institute was Felix D'Herelle a French microbiologist, already mentioned, that first reported the bacteriophages that kill dangerous bacteria. Many diseases could be cured like tuberculosis, gonorrhea, and other infectious diseases.

What we mean in the last of this report. We do not think Big Pharma will allow these new alternatives, of using the bacteriophages, and manufacturing medication that are effective about the present mutated bacteria, that has become resistant to antibiotics. Greed is major, "the love of money is the root of all evil factor."

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