
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Divine strategy, Law of Nature and Types of Avatara of Maha Vishnu

The inherent qualities of the nature are creation or recreation, preservation and dissolution. 
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (the trinity or trimurti) are considered as the source of these three principle attributes of nature respectively. Vishnu is responsible for nurturing creation and he balance the rhythm between manifestation and dissolution. Therefore, when the creation or the rhythm of universal regulation is interrupted or imbalanced, the process of destruction increases, hence the humanity, spirituality, and goodness are interrupted by the increase of Tama Guna in nature. At that time, Vishnu stops and decreases the destructive attributes of nature by releasing his qualities into the natural body in the form of Avatara. He restores the rhythms of universal law and the law of nature's righteousness. Protecting the balance of nature Avatar leads people on the path of righteousness. To fulfill this mission, Lord Vishnu incarnate on every era even in every muhurt.

In the law of nature, an individual spirit has to accept its body from its ancestors. According to this law, the supreme Brahman also designate those who adopt the virtues of mercy, surrender, forgiveness, etc. as parents of the incarnation. The subject is as complicated as it sounds simple. By observing the purana anyone can understand, the process and preparation for the landing of incarnation on Earth begins long before of the avatar takes birth. The simple reason is that the body and the intellect, which can carry the qualities of the incarnation of the divine energy, are created by natural laws by a little. In technical terms, as per the divine strategy, DNA purification (of incarnation) starts many years before the birth of Avatara, the DNA is transmitted into the nature among the common and balances the virtues of nature after the Avatara leaves its earthly body. By the rule of time, when the auspicious attributes of that genes become obscure, it is time for the Avatar to be born again.
Depending on purpose, mission, time  and forms, scriptures usually tell there are 6 types of avatar, although the kalki avatar is still mysterious. There are certainly a theological basis and Narada muni says about such types of avatars in the first chapter of Garga Samhita-Goloka Khanda-
श्रीबहुलाश्व उवाच:
कतिधा श्रीहरेर्विष्णोरवतारो भवत्यलम् ।
साधूनां रक्षणार्थं हि कृपया वद मां प्रभो ॥ १५ ॥
Bahulāśva says - To protect the pious ones how many avatars did Sri Vishnu take, please kindly tell me o Lord.
श्रीनारद उवाच -
अंशांशोंऽशस्तथावेशः कलापूर्णः प्रकथ्यते ।
व्यासाद्यैश्च स्मृतः षष्ठः परिपूर्णतमः स्वयम् ॥ १६ ॥
Narada said - O King. The avataras of Bhagavān are six types as told by sages like Vyāsa which are - amśa, amśāmśa, āveśa, kalā, pūrṇa and paripūrṇatama.

अंशांशस्तु मरीच्यादिरंशा ब्रह्मादयस्तथा ।
कलाः कपिलकूर्माद्या आवेशा भार्गवादयः ॥ १७ ॥
Sages like Marīci are amśāmśa avatars, Brahma and his likes are amśā avatars. Paraśurāma and like are āveśa avatars.Kapila, Kūrma and the likes are kalā avatars.

पूर्णो नृसिंहो रामश्च श्वेतद्वीपाधिपो हरिः ।
वैकुण्ठोऽपि तथा यज्ञो नरनारायणः स्मृतः ॥ १८ ॥
Pūrṇa avatars are Narasimha, Śrī Rāma, śvetadvīpādhipati Hari, Vaikuntha, Yajna and Nara Nārāyaṇa.

परिपूर्णतमः साक्षाच्छ्रीकृष्णो भगवान् स्वयम् ।
असंख्यब्रह्माण्डपतिर्गोलोके धाम्नि राजते ॥ १९ ॥
Śrī Krishna is Paripūrṇatama avatar who is the lord of infinite Brahmāṇḍas and who resides in Goloka.

कार्याधिकारं कुर्वन्तः सदंशास्ते प्रकिर्तिताः ।
तत्कार्यभारं कुर्वन्तस्तेंऽशांशा विदिताः प्रभोः ॥ २० ॥
Those who like Brahma take up the authority of works like creation etc., are the sāttvic amśa avatars of Lord. Those who help in such works are amśāmśa avatars like Marīci and other prajāpatis.

येषामन्तर्गतो विष्णुः कार्यं कृत्वा विनिर्गतः ।
नानाऽऽवेषावतारांश्च विद्धि राजन्महामते ॥ २१ ॥
The all pervading vishnu who resides in the inner heart with his power to accomplish a certain work and leaves the person or body (though the person doesn't die) after the accomplishment, such avatars like Paraśurāma are called āveśa avatars.

धर्मं विज्ञाय कृत्वा यः पुनरन्तरधीयत ।
युगे युगे वर्तमानः सोऽवतारः कला हरेः ॥ २२ ॥
In every Yuga, when the Lord descends to earth, protects and establishes the dharma and takes back his avatara after that is called kalā avatar.

चतुर्व्यूहो भवेद्‌यत्र दृश्यन्ते च रसा नव ।
अतः परं च वीर्याणि स तु पूर्णः प्रकथ्यते ॥ २३ ॥
Where the four vyūhas are manifested like Rāma, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrughna are manifestations of Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Anirudhas (four vyūhas of Vishnu), where nine rasās are visible and where the utmost valour, power and strength are manifested like Rāma, Narasimha such avatars are called Pūrṇa avatars.

यस्मिन्सर्वाणि तेजांसि विलीयन्ते स्वतेजसि ।
तं वदन्ति परे साक्षात्परिपूर्णतमं स्वयम् ॥ २४ ॥
Paripūrṇatama avatar is the one in whos tejas, the tejas (lusture and splendour in all their fullness) of all other avatars gets absorbed.

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