
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

India's Great Tradition of Guru-Disciple - Treta to Kali Yuga

Guru's (master's or teacher's) grace is not showered only upon the learned, but also upon those who serve his feet with a pure heart. India has a great tradition of Guru-Disciple which passed on spiritual knowledge from one generation to the next. Only due to such Gurus and Disciples does the flow of knowledge continue undiminished and constantly.
India's Great Tradition of Guru-Disciple - Treta to Kali Yuga
Be it Guru Brihaspati and Devtas, Bhargav Shukracharya and Ashuras, in Satya yuga, Guru Vashista Guru Vishwamitra and Sri Rama Chandra - Laxman of  Treta yuga. Veda Vyasa and Shuka or Dronacharya and Arjun , Gaudapada , Govindapada , and Acharaya Shankara of Ancient Era. Vidyaranya , Madhusudana Saraswati, Samarth Ramdas - Shivaji Maharaj of the middle ages. Present era's Sri Ramkrishna Dev and Swami Vivekananda or other Acharayas of today; by following and spreading their own Guru's teachings they have expressed their gratitude towards their Gurus. Leading one's life according to the knowledge gained from one's Guru is the real Guru Dakshina (offering to Master) and it is everyone's duty to pass on all that we gained from our Guru to the following generations by means of body, mind and wealth just like the river Ganga, the cascade of spiritual knowledge has been flowing and shall continue to flow through the Guru- Parampara.

However, not all teachers were of spiritual teachers. Teachers for other occupations and vocations were available in ancient India. They were outstanding in different fields like arts, crafts and several professions. They also taught medication,surgery, material science, weapon science,painting,scratching,fine arts,architecture,sculpture and many more.


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  2. When we are ready, the Guru is sent to us by God... And the Guru shows us the way to God. 🐚


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