
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

8 most Interesting Facts That Confirm Mahabharata Is The Longest Epic of All Time

Read Mahabharata if you want to know India. Mahabharata is not just a book but the Soul of India. It is considered to be the most Interesting and Mysterious book of the Mankind. Every Asiatic people would has probably known to the Mahabharata, for this Magnificent epic has been told and retold over thousand of years, written and rewritten,and made into plays, dance, dramas and TV series.
  • The Mahābhārata is the longest epic poem known and has been described as "the longest poem ever written",not only that many world scholars consider Mahabharata as real history and they quote events from the epic as true accounts of history. The most important and influential book Bhagavad Gita, considered to be the holy book for Hindus, is just a part of Mahabharata.
  • Research on the Mahābhārata has put an enormous effort into recognizing and dating layers within the text. Some elements of the present Mahābhārata can be traced back to Vedic times. The background to the Mahābhārata suggests the origin of the epic occurs "after the very early Vedic period". 
  • The history of great war that began one epoch, and ended another. Mahabharata, which is believed to have been written first by the Sage Vyasa, revolves around Uncountable Unique Characters and battles waged by the children of two brothers. 
  • The mahabharata contains more than 1.8 million words, spread over 100,000 śloka or over 200,000 individual verse lines (each shloka is a couplet), and long prose passages,  making it the longest epic in the world. It covers a great deal of subjects, ranging from simple history to complex philosophy to modern science.                              
  • The greatness of the Mahabharata has been summed up that states, "what is found here may be found elsewhere. What is not found here will not be found elsewhere." 
  • We all know that Mahabharata is composed by Vedvyas and written by Lord Ganesha. Vedvyas is not a name but a post given to those who had knowledge of Vedas. There were 27 Vedvyas before Krishnadweepayan. And Krishnadweepayan was the 28th Vedvyas, who was given this name because he had a wheatish skin colour like Lord Krishna and he was born on an island. Even after Mahabharata era, the post holder Vedvyas continued to write Bhagwat Puran upto the era of Lord Jagannatha.
  • Mahabharata was more than a world war. The real fight was not just between Pandavas and Kauravas, armies from Rome, Greece were also a part of it. The Kalyavana who wanted to kill Krishna, but later killed by Lord Krishna, came from today's Middle East.The war caused widespread destruction, and totally destroyed the social structure and even raised question mark on the survival of humanity. But that was 6000 years earlier. 
  • Yes, its the longest epic of all time in the world, that the full text of the Mahabharata is ten times the size of the Iliad and Odyssey put together.
Question For You, can you please tell me exactly how many characters are there in the Mahabharata?
You may also like, Mahabharata much older than we assume, say ASI Archaeologists - Sanauli Excavations vs Findings of BB Lal


  1. Namaste! 🙏

    Which source did you get regarding armies from the west?
    Which Puranic or whatever texts would you recommend reading regarding Indians migrating out & establishing Kingdoms?

    Thanks 🙏

    1. According to Dr. Mahidharo Nalini Mahan Mahabharata was actually a first world war in was fought in 3102BC.
      Vyasa says that 18 Akshunis (divisions) fought in the battle. An akshauni is 21, 870 chariots, 21, 870 elephants, 65, 610 horses and 109, 350 foot soldiers.
      Assuming two people per chariot, two per elephant and one rider per horse, this approximates to 2 x 21,870 + 2 x 21, 870 + 65, 610 + 109, 350 = 183 680 fighters per akshauni (division).
      With 18 divisions, this comes to 183, 680 x 18 = 3, 306, 240 men in arms.

      Adding a few more for logistical services such as cooks, barbers, cleaners, stable hands, and so on, we get a round figure of 4 million people in the armed services. This is larger than the number of people in the armed services of India today again which is larger than the armed force joined from Aryavarta. According to him all over the world additional forces joined the war not only from west even from China and Iran and max of them joined the Kauravas's team.
      You should have read the appearance of Kala Yavan who came from middle east.In Mausala Parva you can get all the details if you read carefully.
      Thank you for your query, be with us :)


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