
Friday, July 26, 2019

Discovering Entire Universe Within You - You are one with the Universe

Hindu cosmology is a branch of different types of doctrines concluded on the subject of “Cosmic Creation”, here the word Manifestation is more appropriate instead of “Creation”. First of all we need to Understand what is Creation, generally you understand it as an act of causing something new to happen or exist. So it is an Action. Now question rises Action on what ? General answer is Action on some ingredients, substances, components or elements. So, if the Universe is Created, there must be some preexisted components from which the Universe is being Created. Now, question rises again what is the sources of the preexisted components from which the Universe is made of? When almost every religious books are supporting the so called theory of Simple one man Creation, the most ancient philosophy, Hindu Cosmology, coined a term “manifestation”(आविर्भाव, प्रादुर्भाव).
                               Discovering Entire Universe Within You-You are one with the Universe
Hindu Cosmology says, the Causes behind the universe or "karanas" are isolated into two classes: "Nimitta" and "Upadana".For example You need paper and colours as the materials to draw a picture. So Colours and paper are the Upadana Karanas (components Causes) for the Picture. Be that as it may, how can it turned into a picture? Does the colour become a picture without anyone else's input? It must be formed by a painter. So the painter is the reason he is the Nimitta Karana. Hinduism accepts that Isvara/ Supreme divine consciousness made the universe with a definitive particles called "anu-s" (Unique Cosmic Particle, that rests between existence and non existence, because the particles are neither sensible by five human senses nor by any other sensors, but the particles together formed the Universe which can be observed or sensed relatively). Here Isvara or God is the Nimitta-karana and the "Anu-s" (Unique Cosmic Particle) are the Upadana-karana.  Simultaneously, Hindu Cosmology ignores the question on the source of Upadana Karana (Cause of Components) confirming that the both Causes / Karanas ("Nimitta" and "Upadana") are same and identical. For an example, it means, an intelligence of Colour painted a painting on the paper of its own colours.
"Sat" that which exists in reality and "asat" that which does have existence . There is no picture in mere colour and paper. The non-existent picture is produced from the colour and paper. It is in same way that Supreme divine consciousness manifested the universe with the "anu-s", where the Eternal supreme Consciousness itself exfoliated into the “Anu-s” (Upadan Karana)
In Hinduism you can’t find identical God that governs the universe like a one man king. 

Prakriti and Purusha are the two distinct parts of Nirguna Brahman, (nirguna in the sense of which is beyond of any kind of properties, Brahman= Eternal supreme Consciousness ) known as Isvara. Prakriti and Purusha take part, direct and actualize the widespread innovative procedure of Universe. Prakriti implies what is found in its regular, unaltered structure. Prakriti regulates the formation of Universe with its pure energy.

Brahman or the supreme consciousness  that gets under way the whole innovative procedure with the assistance of His two cosmic roles. Both Purusha and Prakriti are eternal reality of the cosmic manifestation. The presence of Purusha is the indirect cause of the Prakrti itself peeled into the universe. Purusha doesn’t have any direct involvement in the manifestation of the universe, but receiving the potential energy from him Pakriti manifests itself into infinite forms of matters and energies. Such a conviction isn't to be confused with the contemporary atheistic view.
For example, a fire can illuminate a dark room, the same fire can boil water, and can turn an ice block in to liquid water. Does the fire worry about which room is to be illuminated or which jungle is to be burnt up? The fire has no intension to evaporate water, or illuminate dark chamber.  It is the light and temperature difference between the fire and heat consuming object for which the object receives the energy from the fire and react according to its dharma/ physical or chemical property. Similarly, Purusha doesn’t have any direct role to form the Universe, but it is the Prakriti that receives the potential energy from Purusha to manifests itself into form of Universe.

Understanding Reality with Object and Observer:

The Globular cluster that exists billions of light years away from Earth, have no reality without a spectator with healthy sensory system. Everything that makes Globular cluster real needs an observer. If no one existed to experience light, temperature, mass, and colours of the Globular cluster, it could not be real as we know it.

The reality and Existence require a reference. Suppose, in US here we can feel the heat of the Sun, but in same time in India people can see the moon with thousands of stars in dark sky. So, in same time reality splits into two opposite Truths, one is Day and other is night.
Can anyone say, which is absolute truth with the respect of Earth, Day or Night?  Now when you observe the solar objects being out of the Earth, you will neither experience day not night. So, this is how Truth or reality depends on spectators, who can senses the effects of the incident through Conscious mind. In simple sentence Object has no existence without observer.

Participatory Universe:

American quantum physicist John Archibald Wheeler speculated that reality is created by observers in the universe. He coined the term "Participatory Anthropic Principle" which generally known as "participatory universe," according to which, the observer and the thing observed are one. You are one with the universe because you experience Nature in your consciousness.  “Are life and mind irrelevant to the structure of the Universe, or are they central to it?” - these questions  embarrassed Wheeler.

John Archibald Wheeler

Quantum theory suggests that the subatomic particles exist in various states, before the particular observation is made, and generally the state is called “Superposition”. The particles promptly collapse into a single position once the particles are being observed. Wheeler said “No phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon”.  Now here a question arises what about our thought and dreams ? Are there any subatomic particles exist in our brain in the form of information that creates a reality and display it to us. Can I say that in this case the reverse event is happening.The subatomic particles collapse into a single position then it displayed to the observer?
Who can answer. Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, founder of The Chopra Foundation, wrote in his article, “WHY YOU AND THE UNIVERSE ARE ONE “ , “The brain has essentially zero light inside it, being a dark mass of oatmeal-textured cells enveloped in a fluid that is somehow similar to sea water. (There are extremely faint traces of photon activity in the brain, but the optic nerve doesn't transmit photons to the visual cortex.).  Because there is no light to speak off in the brain, there are no pictures or images, either. When you imagine the face of a loved one, no where in the brain does that face exist like a photograph. How do action potentials in neuron electric firings become conscious awareness, no one knows.”Ten thousands years old, one of the oldest Upanishads, Chandogya Upanishad which is a Sanskrit text embedded in the Chandogya Brahmana of the Sama Veda of Hinduism revealed the secret of Cosmology.
तत् त्वम् असि or तत्त्वमसि 
- Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.7.
"तत्त्वमस- यादिवाक्य- स्वात्मा हि प्रतिपादित।
नेति नेति श्रुतिर्ब्- रूयादनृतं "
- Avadhuta Gita, it is written: (Chapter 1 / Verse 25)
The literal meaning of the sentence in simple words that The origin of Universe and you are not distinct at all , the origin of all Universes (Brahman is the primordial cause of this universe.) is within you and you are the entire universe. Brahman which is the common Reality behind everything in the cosmos is the same as the essential divinity, namely the Atman within us. The realization of this arises only by an intuitive experience and is totally different from any objective experience. It cannot be inferred from some other bit of knowledge. The Brahman and Atman are the same is the content of the statement 'Tat tvam asi'. 

Click Here to Read the Ending Part


  1. Extraordinary ideas! Hats off to the writer!!

    1. woww, so kind of you... thank you so much... kindly go through the Ending part of this article.

  2. Good one.. !! i watched a video on YouTube very long back !!

    1. indly go through the Ending part of this article.
      thanx for sharing youtube link... be with us...

    2. Sure !! Lets spread how awesome our Hindu dharma is to whole world !! :) keep it going !!


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