
About Us

Your one stop solution to all kinds of 
spiritual challenges...

Namskar, welcome to Temple Science, this is our blog
where our prime objective is to provide you with holistic 360 degree assistance in 
terms of spiritual counseling in order to assist you to find your Inner person, 
your dharmik and spiritual root and your quest for permanent happiness
and transcendental bliss.

Our Objectives:

• To find out the Lost architecture and engineering of Hindu-Buddhist-Jain Temples.

• To represent the True and Forgotten History and Diversity of Temple Architecture,
Idol Designing, Ancient Indian and world Geography.

• To represent the Scientific and Mathematical inventions of Vedic civilization.

• To guide you on the path of getting out of  the endless cycle of birth and death.

• To ensure holistic mental and spiritual well-being.

• To uplift your spiritual consciousness and purify your heart from the influence of mundane material miseries.

• To distribute practical knowledge and ascertain that each and every member gets equal chance to contribute which inturn would enable them to go back home, back to Godhead.

• To solve all your spiritual doubts,queries and challenges.

• To disclose the glorious truth of Ancient Vedic / Hindu Civilization.

• Mysterious and Shocking facts on Ancient India and Vedic Cultures.

• Essence of Mantra,Yoga,Scriptures,Rituals,Worship in Your peaceful life.

• To explain the connection between Quantum Physics and Sanatana Philosophy.

• To protect you from Rumors and false Statements on Hinduism circulated 
in Social Network.


1. Our primary commitment is to learn from each other. We will listen to each 
other and not talk at each other. We acknowledge differences amongst us in backgrounds, 
skills, interests, and values. We realize that it is these very differences that 
will increase our awareness and understanding through this process.

2. We will not demean, devalue, or “put down” people for their experiences,
lack of experiences, or difference in interpretation of those experiences.

3. Respect others rights to hold opinions and beliefs that differ from your own. 
When you disagree,challenge or criticize the idea,not the person.

4. Keep in mind that we are all still learning and are bound to make 
mistakes in this setting, as anyone does when approaching a complex task 
or exploring new ideas.

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